Friday, February 6, 2009

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly: Two Weeks In

President Obama, being on Day 17 of his presidency, is wrapping up his second full week in the Oval Office. It's time for some GBU (Good, Bad & Ugly.)

The Good
Energy efficiency regulations.
  • The Energy Department is under orders to develop stricter efficiency standards for florescent light bulbs and reflector bulbs, saving businesses and households as much as $67 billion over the next 30 years. Congress has ordered the phasing out of the traditional incandescent light bulb by 2014.

Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
  • This was a slam-dunk for Obama and a giant victory for women and labor fairness overall.

Guantanamo Bay.
  • Closure of this detention facility was a key campaign promise. Note it is in the "ugly" section, too.

SCHIP signed into law.
  • This is considered a "down payment" on Universal Health Care, which has taken a hit this week with the sudden lack of a visible HHS Secretary or "Health Czar."

Faith-based initiatives.
  • I think this is great. Obama is being criticized here for "continuing Bush era policies," but I also think faith-based initiatives were one of the good things Bush supported. (I think it smells more like Big Daddy Bush than Jr.) But, more importantly, I think a lot of Obama's social platform will need to be carried out through the faith community. Everything from civil rights to black men "pulling up their pants," as Obama has called for, stands the greatest chance of entering the character of Americans when conveyed through peer groups, and reinforced by personal beliefs. Strengthening faith based initiatives while supporting strict separation from the legislative process is a golden example of what is right about America.

De-militarizing Iraqi diplomacy.
  • On the outside this looks like a nasty dis of Gen. Anthony C. Zinni, the former CentComm Commander. I think it's not, and I think Zinni knows that. Afghanistan's chief diplomat and the National Security Adviser are both retired Generals; giving Iraqi diplomacy to the General who oversaw the invasion of Iraq would be an almost colonial mentality.

Sending Biden to European power pow-wow.
  • This type of conference is right up Joe Biden's alley. His foreign policy and security expertise will shine at the security conference. Hillary Clinton has already paved the road for Biden with her love-fest with German and British foreign minsters this week. And Biden is picking up an entourage heavy with State Dept. and Pentagon big-wigs as his amen chorus. Note that I think Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden genuinely like each other, which also means full court press can be put on this meeting. Biden will be lobbying European and Middle East power brokers to get on board with US-created international security agreements and broadcasting the Administration's increased commitments in Afghanistan. This should be Biden in his element.

Handing China to the State Department (i.e.: listening to Robert Gates.)
  • While Obama has not said anything explicit on this, the State Department announcing that Secretary Clinton's first overseas tour will be of Japan, South Korea, China and Indonesia makes it fairly clear that the "China file" has been handed back to the State Department, rather than Treasury, which makes almost no sense anyway. Richard Nixon must be rolling in his grave. Secretary Gates has been very vocal in his support for de-militarization of diplomacy, and in her first townhall at the State Dept. yesterday, Secretary Clinton addressed this as well as an issue that State and Defense are actively reviewing, with an eye toward transitioning all diplomatic issues back to State. No doubt, Clinton capitalized on Secretary Geithner's contrition over tax problems to make the China grab, but it was an appropriate one.

The Bad
1st broken campaign promise, twice.
  • During his campaign, Obama promised legislation that made it to his desk would get, "Sunlight before signing," and pledged that all legislation would get five days on the White House website for public comment before he signed them into law. The two laws the president has signed so far, the Ledbetter Act and SCHIP never appeared on the White Hosue website until they became laws, and he signed the Ledbetter Act two days after it was passed, and signed SCHIP into law two hours after it was passed. So far, President Obama's record on this is 0%, or an F-.

Infighting between Rahm Emmanuel & House leadership.
  • Huffington Post claims that Rahm Emmanuel threw House Speaker "under the bus" on the stimulus bill. With a known past of hostility between Emmanuel and Pelosi, and Emmanuel's heavy handed style already getting press, I think it is in poor form to let this kind of bickering get any more air. Nancy Pelosi is already mending fences, taking a placating tone, and Rahm should follow suit. It's below a White House Chief of Staff to let personal disagreements complicate an already complicated situation, and it reflects on the President. Very nasty.

Tax evading friends making the President look bad.
  • Hilda Solis pops up as another Obama nominee with tax problems, making four so far high profile administration picks with legal-financial problems. I'll agree with the LA Times who say it makes the Obama vetting operation look sloppy. Obama is losing credibility over these snafus.

Making cocky comments about winning, when you're not.
  • This was a desperate attempt to bully the GOP, they didn't take the bait, and they are not scared. It backfired, bad. Even when he said it, at a time when it looked like the stimulus bill was going to sail through, it sounded petulant.

Supporting the digital transition delay.
  • Ug. This is crap on a crap cracker. First of all, the government should be giving away those stupid converter boxes. I've worked in the communications industry, I know what the cost of those electronics really is, and it's a lot less than the money running the coupon program, a hell of a lot less. This delay is resistance to change, nothing more. Do they really think 6.5 million people who are supposedly unprepared for the transition accomplish in 4 months what they have failed to do in the two years this thing has been getting advertised and warned about? Some of the commercials make it seem like your survival is dependent on compliance with the transition. It has negative implications for everyone from the broadcasting companies to 911 dispatch.

The Ugly
Guantanamo Bay.
  • Closing Guantanamo Bay is going to turn into a shit storm. The families of victims of 9/11 want and deserve closure and justice. The prisoners have rights. What do we do with them? Do we care what the international community thinks? Some of them are already escaping and disappearing. The Pentagon and Justice and State are already up to the elbows in red tape and disagreements over how to do it, and what it means. It's on The Good list, too, but it's going to get ugly, uglier, ugliest.

Stimulus Bill.
  • Another shit storm. Obama has lost control of the dialog, something he was rarely foolish enough to allow during his presidential campaign. He has now resorted to a good cop - bad cop routine, except he is both cops. This legislation is a litmus test of his true "mandate," and while I'm thinking we will get some kind of bill passed, it could come out very bad for Obama. It's too bad, but it has become the rallying point for the GOP, who are rising to the occasion. The sooner this is over, the sooner he can sign a huge spending bill and get to work spinning the benefits. He also runs the risk of looking like he is running a Rove-style campaign in the Senate for this, particularly if he continues to meet with GOP lawmakers and then telling them essentially to shove it. Ugly.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
  • Of course, embryos will get the ultra-right fired up. Obama is going to rescind the Bush administration's ban on embryonic stem cell research, and while this is an old battle, it will get some new fire. Just what we needed.

Lobbyist rules.
  • I applaud the decision by President Obama to try to curtail, with policy, the influence of lobbyists in Washington. It addressed accountability, transparency and broadens constituencies, which is usually good. However, it is opening a huge can of worms that could go very, very wrong. I've already said I think Obama showed open hypocrisy in announcing lobbying rules and a nominee with a waiver from those rules at the same time. I wonder if the amount of spin control this thing is going to take will be worth it in the long run. Even if we just straight up banned lobbyists, people would still find a way. This was something John McCain wanted to do, too, and I questioned it as a time consuming project that would ultimately either fail or simply change the definition of lobbying.

Admitting a mistake.
  • Even though I criticized Obama for flip-flopping on his support for Tom Daschle as HHS Secretary, admitting he "screwed up" is pretty good. It is a break with tradition for certain; American presidents usually only admit they were wrong prior to getting fired. And it was certainly a refreshing break from the Bush era, wherein the entire Executive was nearly deified. But it also opens a huge can of worms. This is not by far the first time Obama has taken fire for his taste in political friends. I won't engage in any opining about them here. I'll just leave it at: the president has opened the door for future expectations of an apology. It could undermine him badly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Tom Daschle, and Nancy Killefer are two of the finest, and most competent public servants you could possibly hope for in these appointments. They have been assassinated by the Washington healthcare lobby through their paid Bush Republican henchmen in congress. These Bush republicans are the same people blocking the economic recovery plan put forth by the Obama administration.

I am BURNING MAD America. And you should be too. Tome Daschle and Nancy Killefer were exactly what we needed to help turn this country around and fix our economy, and catastrophic healthcare crisis.

If I were their boss I would tell them to get right back to Washington. And dare congress to not approve them. How ridiculous is it to reject highly qualified people that this country needs just because they made a mistake on their taxes. Don't stand for that anymore America. They apologized, and paid their taxes, and that should be it. Their country needs them. But President Obama has to do what he thinks is best. I understand that. I'M JUST SO MAD at the anti American Bush Republicans.

Like many of you I have been trying to enjoy the after glow of this Beautiful historic election. But I see that the republicans in congress and their cohorts aren't going to be good sports, and LOSER'S!


In spite of President Obama's repeated offers, and gestures of collegiality to Republicans. Bush Republicans have seized upon every opportunity to stab President Obama in the back. And by doing so they are stabbing you, and the rest of the American people in the back. Well, you don't have to put up with that. And you shouldn't put up with that. President Obama has only been on the job two weeks. And he inherited two wars, and the worst economy since the great depression.

We had an election. And president Obama, and the democrats won BIG. And Bush Republicans lost miserably!

The Bush Republicans are the ones responsible for the worst economic crisis since the great depression. And the Bush Republicans are responsible for the worst healthcare crisis in American history. A healthcare crisis that is killing hundreds of thousands of you every year. Rich, middle class, and poor a like. Insured, and uninsured. Men, women, children, and babies.

President Obama, and the Democrats should take back all the concessions they granted the Bush Republicans, and tell them to put up! or shut up!

Everyone, start calling and contacting these Bush Republicans and tell them to stop blocking President Obama, and the Democrats recovery plan. And stop trying to block, and corrupt healthcare reform. Tell them to get on board with President Obama and the Democrats, or GET OUT!!

If these Bush Republicans refuse to cooperate I want all of you to immediately begin the process of removing them from office by every legal means possible. Including impeachment, and recall. I want you to bring the full weight and power of the movement down on their heads that swept President Obama, and the Democrats into control of the whitehouse, and congress. Take no prisoners. Use all the techniques you learned over this past historic election. Be flexible, creative, adaptable, and relentless like you were in the past.

To my cyber warriors I call on you again. You are among the best and the brightest. I call on you to move this fight from the cyber world to the living rooms, dens, and work places of the voters these Bush Republicans misrepresent. I know I can count on you. This is a fight worth fighting.

To my fellow World citizens. As an American I invite, and welcome you and your advise, input, and help. By delaying Americas recovery, and healthcare reform, these Bush Republicans are delaying our commitment to your recovery, and to being the better America for you that we aspire too.

I had hoped it would not come to this after our historic election. I had hoped that the Bush Republicans would respect the overpowering will of the people, and the World. But I guess not. All the Bush Republicans really care about is them-selves. Well, SO BE IT! Lets finish the job.


jacksmith --- Working Class :-)