Sunday, February 8, 2009

Senate Tells Pelosi To Suck It Up

Power brokers of the stimulus deal that has been reached in the Senate are sending a clear message to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: don't screw it up, or it's on your head. I would say, that isn't even too much spin. If the compromise bill gets worked over in conference sessions between the House and Senate, and fails to pass again, it will be Nancy Pelosi's fault.

If I didn't think getting this bill passed was so critical, I'd almost welcome a bungle on that scale by Pelosi. She needs to be put in check before she embarrasses the president and her whole party. People think I just love to hate Nancy Pelosi and that's the source of all my complaining. It's not. She is gloating over the Democratic wash in November, intentionally goading her enemies and her allies alike, and asserting a kind of power with the Speaker's gavel that is counterproductive.

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