Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Bits & Pieces - June 16th, 2009

Transparency -- not so much

"My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government...Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing. Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset. My Administration will take appropriate action, consistent with law and policy, to disclose information rapidly in forms that the public can readily find and use. Executive departments and agencies should harness new technologies to put information about their operations and decisions online and readily available to the public. Executive departments and agencies should also solicit public feedback to identify information of greatest use to the public." Barack Obama

So, is that why the Obama administration is continuing a Bush administration policy of refusing to publish visitor logs at the White House? In spite of multiple rulings by US federal judges stating that such records are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Full story.

I'd say this goes on the same list as the President's near-total failure to keep his "five days sunlight before signing" promise (that laws passed by Congress would appear on the White House website for 5 days before they were signed into law). Only 8 out of 21 so far have even been posted, let alone sat there for 5 days. People might find this kind of nit-picking to be minor, but you can't just say this stuff then not do it. Tally here.

California Goes Broke, Washington In Denial

The state of California, 8th largest economy in the world, is looking at a $24 Billion dollar budget shortfall this July 1st, a deficit that would effectively close the state government down. Gov. Schwarzenegger and the Democratic state leadership have already threatened to cut state welfare programs, which would leave over 1.3 million of California's poorest residents without support or resources. Thus far, calls for federal aid have fallen on dead ears. (I suppose if it was Silicon Valley or Hollywood that was falling apart, we'd be all over it, but you can't buy the state of California with a brokered bankruptcy agreement...) Full story.

Cure For Most Common Form of Leukemia Found

Scientists affiliated with the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, one of the nation's leading genetic and cancer research institutes, have announced that they believe they have found a cure for chronic themyeloid leukemia. Full story.

Middle East 'Peace Process' Gets Muddy

This article seems to both praise and challenge President Obama on his Middle East foreign policy drives. As I have said many times, I think foreign policy is one of things the Obama administration is doing right. And I believe it is in large part due to the rock solid partnership between the President and Secretary Clinton. At the moment, with potentially corrupt elections, riots and international outcry in Iran, the President is facing a credibility challenge -- the credibility of his continued drive to reopen diplomatic relations with Tehran. What I find ironic about this whole situation is that these protests in Iran are the very grassroots building blocks of representative democracy, and yet somehow, the media is spinning it to look like the US failed in some way. When in reality, I've seen little change in US policy toward Iran. President Obama continues to speak for the diplomatic process, backed by strong words from the State department, and continued pressure on Israel not to complicate the situation further. The idea that is out-moded is that we need to choose between Israel and Iran, something that President Obama obviously is not willing to do. I believe that Iran, if it is not already, will become a nuclear state, which means we need further engagement with them, not to shun them just because we don't like the outcome of their elections. We've bungled things with Iran before, and the comparison (to Jimmy Carter) is not one the president can afford. We need to press on, no matter what happens in Iran. As strong a critic of Obama as I am, in this, I have to say: a little patience, please.

Washington D.C. Upholds Pro-Gay Law

Last month the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics voted to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states or municipalities. This week they denied a referendum challenge to this rule, stating that the referendum would "authorize discrimination based on sexual orientation, which is prohibited under D.C.'s Human Rights Act." Full story.

In related news, prominent gay activists are saying, "No thanks," to the DNC.

David Mixner made the following statement concerning his withdrawal from a Democratic fundraiser hosted by Vice President Biden for the DNC:
"I will not attend a fundraiser for the National Democratic Party in Washington next week when the current administration is responsible for these kind of actions," Mixner wrote of a motion to dismiss a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act that drew a parallel between same-sex marriage to incestuous marriage. "How will they ever take us seriously if we keep forking out money while they harm us. For now on, my money is going to battles within the community such as the fight in Maine or the March on Washington! I am so tired of being told by Democratic operatives to 'suck it up' because so many other profound issues are at stake." Full story.

Amen, brother! How will they ever take us seriously if we keep forking out money while they harm us. According to an extensive study by UCLA, consumer buying power of the GLBT population will reach at least $712 Billion this year. (Equivalent to 91% of the TARP funds authorized by Congress in 2008, designed to rescue the American economy.) Yes, gay people have a voice, and it may well be heard through their checkbooks.

If I'm right, and I believe I am, the Republicans are going to flip in favor of same-sex marriage, Obama and Democrats are in danger of getting their base stolen.

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