Tuesday, June 30, 2009

White People Get Punished For Being Smart?? Almost.

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 today that Caucasian firefighters in New Haven Connecticut were the victims of race discrimination. Why? Because required promotional exam results were thrown out by the city when they noticed racial disparity in the results -- the white firefighters did well, and people of other races did not. Fearing discrimination lawsuits, the city trashed the test results, and guess what they brought on themselves: discrimination lawsuits. Imagine that. You don't have to be African-American or Latino to get discriminated against because of your race. Affirmative action finally bit us in the ass. I say congratulations to the Supreme Court for not bowing to pressure from misguided activist groups who claim that this ruling will "destroy" or "undermine" civil rights. Justice Ginsburg, in a dissenting opinion read from the bench said, “Congress endeavored to promote equal opportunity in fact, and not simply in form. The damage today’s decision does to that objective is untold.” While I normally agree with Ginsburg, is she kidding?? What equal opportunity is she referring to? The opportunity to get a promotion based on my performance in a required test by the city? Or the opportunity to sit back and let someone who under-performed get promoted over me just because s/he might sue the city for discrimination otherwise? Please. The Supreme Court made the right decision; white firefighters in New Have were discriminated against by the city, and civil rights have been upheld by the nation's highest court, not "damaged."

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