Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Maureen Dowd Is A 'Mean Girl'

I think Maureen Down just needs another woman to hate.

Read this stellar piece of hack.

So, Maureen Dowd, who was one of Hillary Clinton's most caustic (and yes, misogynist) critics on the campaign trail now describes her thus: "Hillary’s radiant robustness, on the other hand, even with a sore elbow, makes the dictators in Iran and North Korea we’re so worried about seem like frail, little creatures."

While Sarah Palin is: "...aggrieved, paranoid and press-loathing in her new role as bizarre babe-at-large, a Nixon with hair extensions..."

I can't say it enough times: I am not a supporter of Sarah Palin, either, but the vile, disgusting sexism that she is continually bombarded with, having little if anything to do with her actual qualifications or skills, makes me so mad I could spit nails. It makes me want to make a campaign contribution, to vote for her. Hair extensions? Come on Maureen. Really? You really think Sarah Palin has fake hair -- and that has something to do with her character as a politician? These hateful embellishments are nothing more than catty coffee table digs. They further undermine Dowd's credibility and make her look like the petulant one.

Unfortunately, people listen to Maureen Dowd, for whatever reason. In this same article she accuses Sarah Palin of being, "...a demagogue, embodying grievances and playing to people’s worst impulses." Takes one to know one, Maureen.

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