Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Palin vs. Kerry & Democrats Crumbling Base

Ah, from one loser to another.

So, yesterday, Sarah Palin had an article in the Washington Post, criticizing the Cap & Trade program recently passed by Congress.

Today, Sen. John Kerry has a response at Huffington Post, claiming in essence that she is completely wrong.

  • They're both right
  • Apparently Sarah Palin's ideas warrant a rebuttal from John Kerry
    (but I thought she "didn't matter" any more...)
  • Read both articles, and you will be looking at a time capsule of Conservative vs. Liberal

In equally disturbing news, apparently the DNC (Democratic National Committee) is launching a TV campaign ad series specifically targeting moderate Dems, to court them on the health care vote. So, now apparently, the urging of the president, the Democratic leaders in the House, and the entire (liberal) chattering class isn't good enough. They have now activated Organizing for America, the arm of Obama's presidential campaign that got folded into the DNC after the primaries last year, to put "grassroots" pressure on lawmakers and Washington opinion crafters. Why do I find this disturbing? And what does it have to do with Sarah Palin?

It's disturbing because of what it says about Democrats in Congress -- that they are so disunified they need their own electoral machine to campaign them to pass the #1 imperative of their own platform from just 11 months ago.

And it has something to do with Sarah Palin, too: Not only is she clearly remaining viable politically, but she has already said that she plans to campaign in the lower 48 both for Republicans and Democrats who share her views -- this on top of the news that her approval rating among Independents jumped almost 10 points this week. Before anyone jumps all over the "shares her views" comment, here is what she actually cited as her views: limited government, spending restraint, energy independence and strong national defense.

This is getting interesting.

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