Thursday, October 9, 2008

Obama and ACORN

This is bad news for Obama, no matter what. HERE. Today the FBI raided the offices of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) on well substantiated allegations of voter registration fraud, in the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent voter registrations, mostly in Nevada and North Carolina, states where Obama and McCain are running in a statistical tie. Obama's extensive involvement with ACORN is unquestionable.

Even if Obama had nothing to do with ACORN (not true, and no way to spin it,) the media and McCain will capitalize on it.

Even if Obama knew nothing about the fraudulent and widespread corruption of ACORN (highly unlikely) the media and McCain will capitalize on it.

And, if the worst is true.... well, then it's true.

At the very least, it is an undeniable justification for McCain requesting recounts and vote authentications in close states after Election Day, if he loses. And, he just might not.

This is what I meant when I said in another article titled, "Chill Baby, Chill," that these kinds of things raise big red flags for me. What if it's true? This is not the first time by far Obama and his campaign have been accused of unethically or illegally influencing voters. With his past associations coming back under the magnifying glass, there is no way Obama is not going to be pressed on several issues he has been evasive about, chiefly unanswered questions about Bill Ayers. I have said before that I find Ayers and Obama's complicated involvement with him to be a serious problem. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that issue alone, but the snowball effect of continued revelations about Obama's other less than antiseptic liaisons genuinely frightens me.

I truly detest saying something like this, but I would rather face scorn from the Obama faithful than keep my mouth shut and regret it later: what if America is about to be hoodwinked by a truly subversive radical? If none of it is true, a rational, factual and earnest explanation (something Obama is adept at) would satisfy even me, the most reluctant of his supporters. But those are not forthcoming, rather it is more spin, more indignation, more accusations of "Swiftboating" and racism, and still, no answers. Obama never convincingly addressed his relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the glaring contradictions are still apparent for anyone to see. He has openly dodged the Ayers questions. Thus far, there has been no major response on the ACORN connections, which are documented and plentiful. Obama will not get away with claiming ignorance on this one. I'm very interested to see what he will say and do.

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