Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Get A Grip - You Can't Rape Cardboard

As most of you likely know already, there is a big ridiculous "scandal" going around the Obama transition team because of a picture taken of Jon Favreau, an Obama speech writer, groping a cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton while his buddy smooches her and holds a beer up to her lips. Apparently there were also pictures of the 27-year-old Favreau dancing with the Hillary cut out at the same party.

Of course the media has gone wild over it, featuring headlines like, "The Hillary Groping Incident And Other Signs We’re Back in 1950," and "When Obamas speechwriter couldnt help groping Hillary Clinton!" Not to be outdone, Andrew Breitbart has published an article today titled, "I Believe Hillary's Cardboard Cutout," likening the incident to Clance Thomas levels. Breitbart claims:
If the photo had exposed a Republican offender, there'd already be a full-bore media scandal and cascading resignations. MSNBC would be rearranging its schedules for a wall-to-wall 24/7 bonanza. Rachel Maddow would finally have her big story. Barbara Boxer, Patricia Schroeder and other righteous feminists would walk up the Capitol steps, reprising the time they tried to destroy Clarence Thomas - for nothing. Yet so far there is no groundswell of feminist rage in the District of Columbia. The unnamed co-conspirator thrusting the beer bottle into the mouth of the designated secretary of state isn't yet a household slur. Instead, with the accused being a member of the protected Democratic class, we only have a quick peripheral debate.

I have a real news flash for you all: it's cardboard. Not the real Hillary Clinton. Let me say that again unless you all missed it: not the real Hillary Clinton. And, although neither Obama nor Hillary have lowered themselves far enough to wallow in this kind of petty drama manufacturing, it seems Hillary has taken the incident with humor and candor. The only comment forthcoming from Camp Clinton was a quip from Clinton senior adviser Philippe Reines who said, "Senator Clinton is pleased to learn of Jon's obvious interest in the State Department, and is currently reviewing his application."

Give me a break. I am one of the most ardent watchdogs of sexist slurs and inappropriate conduct there is, and this is not one of them. One of the chief failings of "new wave" feminism was the tendency to see malicious intent in the most minor of behaviors. Blowing a kiss became a prelude to rape. Using the word "bitch" was the gateway to domestic violence. People were un-sexed, rendered emotionless and void of attraction by the blitzkreig tactics of the modern sexual revolution. Context matters. If it was Dick Cheney groping a cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton it would send a different message. But some Obama staffers at a party, dancing around and copping a feel... it really is something different, harmless, and kind of funny. And the fact that there has been no major feminist outcry, as Andrew Breitbart claims should be an indication to the chattering class that maybe, just may, there's nothing wrong.

1 comment:

No Blood for Hubris said...

You are so right!

It's like when they put a noose up on a black man's locker at work!

It's just hemp, people!