Monday, April 27, 2009

Give Nancy A Break, OK?

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is taking a lot of heat over these "torture memos" that are being released. They're saying, "Oh she knew, and she didn't do anything about it." Like somehow Nancy Pelosi was responsible for waterboarding, like it was her idea or something.

News flash: George Bush, Dick Cheney and Porter Goss are the culpable parties.

Another one: Nancy Pelosi was not Speaker of the House in 2002 when these new interrogation techniques were rolled out by the White House and CIA. She was Minority Whip -- hardly a position equipped to stand up to an autocratic Executive like the Bush administration. Yes, she was ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, but there is ample evidence that that self-same committee did in fact lodge a protest with the White House.

Pelosi has indicated strong support for an investigative commission to inspect the alleged abuses of power during the Bush years. She's willing to open the whole can of worms. It's Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Obama who want it all conducted behind closed doors, under close Executive scrutiny.

I know I say this every time it happens, but.... if I am defending Nancy Pelosi, the world really has turned upside down.

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