Friday, April 24, 2009

Give the Police More Power??

President Obama is asking the Supreme Court to overturn the 1986 decision in Michigan v. Jackson which prohibits law enforcement officers from initiating questioning of defendants without a lawyer present, for those who have or have requested a lawyer. According to the Associated Press:
The Justice Department, in a brief signed by Solicitor General Elena Kagan, said the 1986 decision "serves no real purpose" and offers only "meager benefits." The government said defendants who don't wish to talk to police don't have to and that officers must respect that decision. But it said there is no reason a defendant who wants to should not be able to respond to officers' questions.

Has anyone involved with this situation actually been questioned by the police? Even at a routine traffic stop, most law enforcement agents are capable of making you feel like you've just bombed the World Trade Center. Add to that lovely provisions from the Patriot Act that have already almost totally erased your civil rights. The police can already observe you, enter your home, detain you and subject you to inhumane treatment without cause. Now the new "liberal" Administration (who supposedly oppose "torture") want the police to have free reign to interrogate private citizens ad hoc, regardless of their right to representation? To be considered innocent until proven guilty?

I'd expect something like this from George W. But from Obama? I suppose it should come as little surprise -- he did say in his campaign quite often that he believed the police force nationally should be doubled. And you thought we lived in a police state already... Shame on you Barack Obama! This is a gross reversal and revocation of individual rights, liberty and freedom.

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